Privacy policy

Continued browsing of the website (the "Site") implies unreserved acceptance of this confidentiality policy (the "Confidentiality Policy").
The version of the Confidentiality Policy available online at the time of browsing the Site is the only version that may be invoked throughout the period of use of the Site and until a new version replaces it. 
DIAM reserves the right to modify or update the Confidentiality Policy at any time and without prior notice. It is up to the user of the Site to consult it regularly in order to stay informed. 
The Site is published by DIAM BOUCHAGE, a simplified joint stock company with capital of 10,012,248.13 euros, whose registered office is located at Espace Tech Ulrich, 66400 Céret - France, registered under number 410 107 882 RCS Perpignan ("DIAM"). 
The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to detail the way in which DIAM collects, processes and protects the personal data of users of the Site. 

1. Data controller

DIAM acts as data controller in accordance with the rules set out in the Data Protection Regulation n°2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 known as the ‘General Data Protection Regulation’ and Law n°78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to information technology, files and freedoms known as the ‘Information Technology and Freedoms Law’ (the "Regulations"). 


2. Data collected

When accessing the Site, personal data relating to Site users may be collected and processed by DIAM, in particular the following data:

  • Identity: surname, first name, company, country; 


  • Contact details: e-mail address, telephone number, IP address; 


  • Miscellaneous: any other data volunteered by users of the Site; 
    (the "Data").

3. Purposes - Legal basis

This Data is necessary to enable DIAM to :
•    Respond to requests from users of the Site and ensure their follow-up;
•    Communicate information about DIAM's products, services and events; 
•    Manage commercial relations with clients, prospects, suppliers, service providers or intermediaries; 
•    To manage applications sent via the Site; 
•    To carry out analyses and statistics;
(the "Purposes"). 
The processing of this Data is carried out (i) on the basis of the Site user's consent, (ii) in order to meet DIAM's legitimate interests or (iii) in order to enable DIAM to comply with its legal and regulatory obligations where applicable. 
Only fields marked with asterisks are mandatory Data required to meet the above Purposes. If these fields are not filled in, DIAM will be unable to respond to the Site user's requests. 
All other fields are optional Data enabling DIAM to best meet the needs of Site users. 

4. Recipients of the Data

DIAM and the subsidiaries of the OENEO Group are the sole recipients of this Data. 
DIAM may call upon subcontractors for specific technical services, for example in connection with the hosting of the Site and the distribution of newsletters and written communications to its clients. In this case, DIAM provides a contractual framework for the conditions under which subcontractors may access Data. 
For the purposes of the Purposes, DIAM may transfer Data to countries outside the European Union. Where applicable, DIAM will ensure that it has a contractual framework for these transfers in accordance with the Regulations in force in order to ensure an adequate level of protection for Site users' Data. 
The processing carried out by DIAM as part of the use of the Site does not give rise to any automated decision-making.

5. Retention period

The Data of users of the Site is kept for a period of three (3) years: (i) from the last contact with the user of the Site concerned, or (iii) until the expiry of any applicable prescription or legal periods. 


6. Users' rights

In accordance with the RGPD Regulation, all users of the Site may access their Data, rectify them, request their deletion, exercise their right to limit the processing of their Data or their right to the portability of their Data. 
Users of the Site may withdraw their consent or oppose the processing of their Data at any time.
Users of the Site may exercise their rights by sending a request to the following address: 
If, after having exercised their rights with DIAM, the user concerned is not satisfied with the response they receive, they may submit a complaint to the CNIL. 
Users can consult the website for more information on their rights.