Legal information & General terms and conditions of use

Continued browsing of the website (the "Site") implies unreserved acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions of Use (the "GTCU"). 
The version of the GCU available online at the time of browsing the Site is the only version that can be invoked throughout the period of use of the Site and until a new version replaces it.  
DIAM reserves the right to modify or update the GCU at any time and without prior notice. It is up to the user of the Site to consult them regularly in order to be informed of 

1. Legal information

  • Publisher: The Site has been developed and published by DIAM BOUCHAGE, a simplified joint stock company with a capital of 10,012,248.13 euros, whose registered office is located at Espace Tech Ulrich, 66400 Céret - France, registered under the number 410 107 882 RCS Perpignan ("DIAM"). 
  • Editorial manager: Dominique TOURNEIX, Managing 
  • Hosting: the Site is hosted by KANEVA, a simplified joint stock company with share capital of €5,000.00, headquartered at 17, rue Dessalle Possel, 34000 Montpellier, registered in the Montpellier Trade and Companies Register under number 800 448 722, telephone number 09 80 82 09 00. Data storage is provided by OVH, a simplified joint stock company, whose registered office is at 2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix, registered with the Lille Métropole Trade and Companies Register under number 424 761 419, whose telephone number is 1007 (free call). 

  • The website was designed and developed by the KANEVA communications agency -

2. Site content

The purpose of this Site is to provide general information about DIAM and its commercial activities.  
DIAM makes every effort to ensure that the Site functions properly and is secure, and that the information published on the Site is accurate and up-to-date. However, DIAM cannot guarantee the accuracy, precision or exhaustiveness of the information available on the Site. It is up to users of the Site to check the information by other means, including if necessary by contacting DIAM.  
DIAM reserves the right to modify the content of the Site at its own discretion, at any time and without notice.  
It is the responsibility of persons who are subject to foreign legislation to ensure that the content of the Site complies with their national legislation. DIAM cannot be held responsible for any use of the Site contrary to local legislation. 

3. Intellectual property rights

All trademarks, photographs, texts, comments, illustrations, images (animated or not), video sequences, sounds, as well as all computer applications that may be used to operate this site and, more generally, all elements reproduced or used on the Site are protected by the laws in force with respect to intellectual property. They are the full and entire property of DIAM and/or its partners or, failing this, DIAM holds the rights allowing them to be distributed on the Site.  
Any reproduction, representation, use or adaptation, in any form whatsoever, of all or part of these elements, including computer applications, without the prior written consent of DIAM, is strictly prohibited. The fact that DIAM does not initiate proceedings as soon as it becomes aware of such unauthorized use does not imply acceptance of said use and waiver of DIAM's rights. 

4. Site management

For the proper management of the Site, DIAM may at any time:

  • suspend, interrupt or limit access to all or part of the Site, restrict access to the Site, or to certain parts of the Site, to a specific category or to all users; 
  • delete any information that may disrupt its operation or contravene national or international laws, or the rules of Netiquette; 
  • suspend the Site in order to update it.

5. Liability

DIAM may not be held liable in the event of failure, breakdown, difficulty or interruption in operation, preventing access to the Site or to one of its functionalities. 
Users of the Site are entirely responsible for the equipment they use to connect to the Site. Users of the Site must take all appropriate measures to protect their equipment and their own data, in particular from viral attacks via the Internet. Users of the Site are also solely responsible for the sites and data they consult.  

DIAM cannot be held responsible for :

  • any imprecision, inaccuracy or omission concerning the information available on the Site; 
  • any damage resulting from fraudulent intrusion by a third party leading to a modification of the information made available to users on the Site;
  • more generally, for any damage, direct or indirect, whatever the cause, origin, nature or consequences, caused as a result of access by any person to the Site or the impossibility of accessing it, as well as use of the Site and/or credit given to any information coming directly or indirectly from the latter.  

DIAM may not be held liable in the event of legal proceedings against you :

  • as a result of using the Site or any service accessible via the Internet; 
  • as a result of your failure to comply with the stipulations of these conditions of use.

DIAM is not liable for damage caused to users of the Site and/or their equipment, and/or to third parties as a result of connection to or use of the Site. All users of the Site hereby waive their right to take any action against DIAM. 
If DIAM is the subject of amicable or legal proceedings as a result of the use of the Site, DIAM reserves the right to take action against the user of the Site to obtain compensation for all losses, sums, fines and costs that may arise from such proceedings.

6. Privacy Policy

Use of the Site implies express and unreserved acceptance of the Privacy Policy.

7. Cookies

A cookie is a data file stored by a user's device when browsing the Site in order to record information about the user (e.g. connection information, browsing preferences, etc.). This file is automatically sent back the next time the user connects to the Site.  

DIAM uses the following cookies on the Site:  
•  Technical cookies : these cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of the Site and cannot be deactivated by DIAM's systems. Users may configure their browser to block or be informed of the existence of these cookies, but this may affect the proper functioning of the Site. These cookies do not store any personal information relating to users of the Site.  
•  Functional cookies : these cookies are used to improve and personalise the functionality of the Site. If the user of the Site does not accept these cookies, some or all of the Site may not function properly.

•  Third-party application cookies : these cookies are placed on domains other than that of the Site and enable a session on a third-party site (Facebook, Linkedin, social networks, intranet, etc.) to be linked to the current session on the Site. If users of the Site do not accept these cookies, they will be confronted with re-identification pages each time they access the third-party site.

•  Session cookies : these are temporary cookies that expire when the user leaves the Site. If the user of the Site does not accept these cookies, the choices made by the user on the various pages will not be remembered when the site pages are changed.

•  Tracking marketing : these cookies make it possible to measure the Site's audience and to provide adapted advertising. If the user of the Site does not accept these cookies, the advertising inserts presented on the Site will not be adapted to the user's browsing habits and DIAM will not be able to optimise the tracking of browsing on the Site.  

The information recorded by cookies is stored in the Site user's device for six (6) months. 
The consent given by the user of the Site concerning the use of cookies at the time of his/her first visit to the Site is valid for a period of thirteen (13) months. However, users of the Site may modify their choices at any time via the cookie parameters or by opposing the recording of cookies by configuring their browser accordingly.

8. Hypertext links

DIAM formally declines all responsibility for the content of other sites to which the Site provides links. These links are offered to users of the Site as a service. The decision to activate the links rests exclusively with the users of the Site. In addition, it is the responsibility of Site users to take the necessary precautions to avoid any contamination of the Site by, in particular, one or more "viruses".

9. Photographs and representation of products

Photographs are not contractual and DIAM cannot be held responsible for them. 
Photo credits : 
- Céline Deschamps
- JC milhet
- Sandra Rossi
- O.Poggianti
- Leo Paul Ridet 
- Shutterstock
- Istock
- Fotolia

10. Applicable law

These conditions of use of the Site are governed by French law and are subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of Angoulême, subject to any specific jurisdiction arising from a particular legal or regulatory text.

11. Contact

For any question relating to the conditions of use of the Site, you can contact DIAM via the Contact section.