Diam informations

Diam makes a commitment to local sponsorship

21 July 2021

For several years, Diam has supported the “Alfred Sauvy Prize” which was established in 1999 by the Cadres Catalans network and is each year given to a new, original and innovative start-up project which helps a new company set up and develop in the Pyrénées-Orientales region by generating positive financial and social benefits. The winner receives a cheque for 10,000 euros and support from prize winners for several years.  

On 17th June at the Palais des Congrès de Perpignan, the 22nd Alfred Sauvy prize-giving ceremony was held. Many hearty congratulations to the winners this year : AITAKES, Lucadvisor , Para'vols Laurent, Pharmédia , Yodaquí, Élio's - l'Arbre Solaire!  

-    Winner: Alaxione 
-    G16 prize for industry (new): Payote
-    Special mention: PST66
-    Favourite: Kuupanda
-    Special award: Maillot Français

Still on the theme of local sponsorship, Diam was present on 6th July during the evening event organised by the UPVD Foundation (Perpignan Via Domitia University). Organised by the Vice Chancellor of the UPVD, Yvan Auguet, this evening event brought together all sponsors of the UPVD Foundation – of which Diam is now a part - to offer thanks. 
Thanks to its sponsors the UPVD Foundation will enable the emergence of new projects for the next 4 years, assisting with student training and professional insertion, innovation, research, distribution of skills and equal opportunities. 

Further information available at: